Sex life, there are many techniques and methods that allow the two to achieve the perfect state. Such as couples massage is a good way, it can be eliminated between the tension and anxiety. To introduce sexual touching parts and practices.
Between husband and wife sex massage sexual foreplay and sexual life before the start is different. Sensitive parts of his wife's (breasts and vulva) is not touched, and this should be a principle of sex stroke. Many people start pointing these sensitive parts of the body to the other side, not knowing that it often can not achieve their goals, and sometimes caused by aversion and evasion on the other side of sexual foreplay. Especially women, to arouse their sexual desire often is slower, if directed at these areas, only the body and mind are not ready for a good wife is more tense or agitated, will man action too rough or too explicit purpose unhappy.
The order should First Sex stroke, then (on the basis of gradually mobilize the enthusiasm, you can ask the breast, genital and other sensitive parts), and finally sexual intercourse movement sexual caress. General can take Youyuanerjin the by him and by the times and the Lord's way. For example, you can start from the foot massage, foot massage helps to relax, physically and psychologically stroked think that it is refreshing to let the body to stimulate the nervous system through the thousands of nerve endings in the foot, so as to reach relaxation.
Began to massage legs and foot first wipe a little oil, palm is also coated with a little oil. Companion comfortable prone position, the massage adjust their position (for example, my eyes get on the partner's feet), in order to massage each other's arms to the legs down. And then raised his hands and a foot pad to live in partner, four fingers flat out into their feet. Smooth with the palm with and the thumb away from the foot central gently rub into the feet on both sides, in order to fully carry out. From the bottom up to repeat this action throughout the soles of the feet so far.
Second, single-handedly boosting the instep, the other hand, small toes start to the toe of each foot with the thumb and index finger with the traction to slowly tiptoe, if necessary, change hands and then stretch.
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